Thursday, May 16, 2024

Purchase SBA Breakthrough Package for Small Business

Welcome to the SBA Breakthrough Package for Small Business Purchase Page. This package combines a full personality assessment using the Birkman Method with a 1.5 hour breakthrough discovery and coaching session designed to clarify your vision for the future, discover your strengths along with what is holding you back, and map out a personalized plan for getting there.
Once you purchase your breakthrough package you will be emailed a link to the Birkman questionnaire. You will complete the questionnaire by clicking on the link, providing a few profile details, and answering all the questions. Please allow 30-45 minutes to complete this process.
Your coach will be notified when you have completed this step and will schedule a 1 hour interpretation session where you will review your personality assessment reports along with specific insights and observations your data may indicate.
Following your interpretation session your coach will schedule and conduct a 1.5 hour breakthrough session where you will clarify your vision for the future, apply insights learned from your Birkman assessment, learn how to leverage your strengths and stay in your most productive working mode, meet critical needs, and manage stress behaviors that are keeping you from your goal. Through this process you and your coach will develop a customized, next-step plan for moving ahead to realize your vision.
The sessions will be recorded and sent to you for your reference.
To begin this process please click on the buy now button below.